Audition Call for The Sound of Music
Audition Announcement
K-W Musical Productions (KWMP) invites you to audition for our upcoming in concert production of The Sound of Music. Our vision is to present the story of this beloved and heartwarming musical with the focus on the timeless and memorable music.
KWMP welcomes singers ages 6 and older to be a part of this production. We are looking for about 25 performers to fill lead roles and ensemble parts in a wide range of ages. We wish you the best of luck with your audition.
Application Information
Lead Roles & Ensemble:
Submit your video audition through Friday, February 28th, 2025. Once you have completed your video, please complete the Audition Application Google Form.
von Trapp Children Roles (except Liesl):
Auditions for these roles (see full Cast of Characters in the Audition Package below) will take place in person on Saturday, March 1st, from 10am –1pm. To request your audition time please complete the Audition Application Google Form.
All video auditions and audition requests via the Audition Application Google Form must be submitted by Friday, February 28 at midnight.
Submit Your Audition
Before auditioning please read the full Audition Package. The Audition Package includes details on show information, character details, performance schedule and dates, audition checklists, deadlines, callbacks and more. It’s important you read the package carefully before submitting the Audition Application Google Form.
Callbacks are planned for March 6 and 7, 2025 (in the evening) and will be determined based on initial auditions. If we wish to see you at the callbacks, we will contact you via email with the details and will provide you with material that we would like you to prepare. If you do not get a request for a callback, it does not mean you are not cast in the show.
Callbacks will take place at the KWMP Arts Centre, 14 Shaftsbury Drive, Kitchener.
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